Get Quiet

On any given week I could speak with a multitude of people or just a few, but either way at the end of each week I sit and reflect on these conversations. Connections start to link first individually and then as a whole and more often than not a light bulb goes off and a common denominator seems to surface between them all.


This week I’ve had the pleasure to speak with a wide range of female entrepreneurs, coaches, and small business owners who are all on the verge of their next greatest discovery. Within these conversations yields a sacred solace of connection between themselves and their inner voice. One could label this as their intuition, their spirit, or inner child; the soft voice or feeling of counsel that leads them to an insight they haven’t recognized before.


These moments are of a sweet serenity and a large piece behind the ‘why’ of my work. The moments leading up to this discovery is almost palpable. At first the mind is racing and either they are jumbling it all out in words to try to scatter the puzzle pieces all over the table to spit it out, or they sit back and do the same thing only to leave it unspoken and their minds just spinning.


Either scenario tend to lead to this moment and a pause washes over them. They either will look down, up, or stare at something in true concentration. Shortly after like magic a wave of light flashes over their face and they come to the realization of a discovery. It’s an epic moment in time and a feeling between themselves that will never grow old for me to watch.


You might be thinking, “so, what is this ‘great discovery’ they are experiencing, and how did they get to that discovery?”


Great question.


Each person analyzes problems, situations, and circumstances differently. That is a given. But when it comes to the “ah-ha” moment, is the solution really that different? I would argue no. Here’s why.

Specifically, this week, there was a moment in each conversation where the person in front of me had a thought, which then turned into an emotion, and then shortly after followed a process or system of analysis. But then, and don’t miss this… they got quiet. Each one of them took a pause. They sat back, got still, and zoned so far into the seat of silence that it looked as if nothing was moving in space.


That particular aspect of a thought discovery has a tremendous effect on when a person will discover what they are searching for. No, that doesn’t mean I am saying go be a monk and live in complete silence to discover all your greatest desires. (Although, don’t shoot that completely down - Jay Shetty did it so it might be your thing too.)


What I am highlighting here is how much power can be found in the seat of silence. When we get quiet, we allow something else to get louder. There are a wide range of labels we can use, but for this example, we will call it your intuition. It’s that anchor, the gut feeling, the soft voice of reason or the counselor of direction. It is this moment when your earthy body relaxes to a point and allows the window of the mind and heart to connect and create a gift.


It is at our finger tips but often overlooked, underappreciated, or completely unknown by many. This world is of abundant stimulation. Everything we touch, see, hear, taste, smell is on overload and can be amplified depending on where you live and how you live.


But when we are able to slow the stimulation, rest our mind and body, and truly connect from within, a magnetic sense of stimulation actually occurs and our earthy body connects with the intelligent intuition and a discovery is made.


It’s a beautiful experience to see this unfold for both the person and myself as this overwhelming reaction of joy, excitement, happiness or laughter surfaces. It’s the reminder of giving ourselves permission to slow down. Collect our thoughts. Sit in the seat of silence (even for a moment) and connect to our own true inner being.


Our anchor is here to support us, ground us, and bring us to discoveries at a moment’s notice. When you find yourself disconnected or distraught by an overstimulating situation, I invite you to pause. To sit in the seat of silence and to gently wait for what is to come. Because it will. The power will be in your ability to first surrender to the awareness of what lies within and then…. Get quiet.

Happy Day Friends


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