Which Hour Comes The Power?

Do you have a superpower? Or maybe a superhour?

You know, that thing you do that no one else can do better than you? Maybe it’s a skill, or maybe it’s just a period of time set aside that allows for your creative energy to unleash itself— flooding you with brilliant ideas that you otherwise wouldn’t bump into? Or perhaps you have not a clue what your superpower is, if you have one, or know when it will come out to play.

Our days from the moment we wake up are likely set to our auto-pilot routine with a 99% chance of something catching fire, burning down completely, or a passenger along the way complaining how unsatisfied they are with you and your service. Shouldn’t your plane, everyone in it, and every function know the drill by now? Beautiful lift offs and perfect landings each day?

We all know that is not the reality.

But what if — just for a short span in each day, we could completely control a blissful, perfect, untouched atmosphere that allows for us to tap into our greatest superpower?

Does such a thing exist? Well, that is up to you and how badly you want it.

Our minds and bodies all operate according to how we are wired. Generally speaking, yes — humans all have a human body and mind, but we each possess an individual personality that no two humans share. Once we start to get curious about how we operate as our individual selves, it opens up the ability to notice aspects and qualities that we wouldn’t otherwise recognize.

“I’m a morning person” or “Don’t talk to me until I have my first cup of coffee” are all prime examples of people who have identified how they operate at a certain time of day. They’ve identified a short span and matched it with a power. The morning person has recognized (in whatever capacity) that they are just “better” in the morning. The person who needs that cup of ambition before anything else, knows they are not “better” until they’ve had their span of peace and quiet with a side of caffeine.

Connecting to this thought, when are you “better” during the day? Do you know when you prefer to wake up and at what hour? Do you know how many hours of sleep you need to function at full capacity for the next day? Are you recognizing certain routines or tendencies you prefer to have done before entertaining another living creature?

Bringing awareness to your ‘preferred’ or ‘ideal’ time throughout the day, gives a starting point to when you fully show up. You, your cup of ambition, and focused mind are ready for lift off. When we can first identify our prime time (literally) in our day, we can then further investigate what we would prefer to do during that time.

Whether you know exactly when your “powerhour” is, or if you have not a clue, ask yourself this question:

“What time of day excites me the most, and why?”

This question will do two things —

  1. It force-recognizes a time you feel most alive.

  2. It highlights a specific motivator.

Take your answer and let it sit. Notice if you become more aware during that time of day and what you might be doing. Get curious about what comes up, and see if you can recreate that superpower-superhour tomorrow.

Happy Day Friends,


Get Quiet


The 6th Love Language — Ask A Question