“Bring the possible out of people who think it’s impossible.”

Love, My Purpose

Hey girl hey

I’m Kahla, and this is my co-pilot Kiah.

We have a heart for nature, music, and adventures. Dessert over entree. Driver over passenger. Sunshine over everything.

I grew up in Erie, PA (known for its lake effect snow and tundra-like temps, burr) which motivated me to move around and find the warmth. I’ve lived and worked coast to coast and believe your home can be anywhere you find peace.

Life sure can take you on a wild ride and like most, I’ve had a fair share of turbulence. It’s during these ups and down that we learn the most about ourselves and what we are made of. My story is not more or less special than anyone else’s, but its mine and it’s what makes me unique. When embracing the unique parts of yourself you in turn find the gifts you’ve been blessed with. My hope is to share what I’ve learned, experienced and embraced, and intentionally help others do the same.

I invite you to click around and get to know more about who I am and what I hope to serve this world. We are all far more capable than we can imagine, but it sure does help when we have support along the way, and I hope you find a friend in me along your beautiful journey.

How I Serve

Certified Life Coach

Coaching Areas:

  • Life/Health Coaching

  • Business/New Entrepreneur Coaching

  • Holistic Coaching

  • Meditation

Certified Meditation Trainer

Areas of Teaching:

  • Six-Phase Meditation (Method by Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley)

  • Guided Meditations (Offering Personalized Meditations and Topic Related)

  • Energy Audit (Method by Rich Litvin)

  • Three Most Important Questions (Method by Vishen Lakhiani)

Licensed Athletic Trainer

Licensed and Certified ATC, MS, PES

Areas of Teaching & Training:

  • Health & Wellness of Mind and Body

  • Prevention of Physical Injuries and Illness (Sports Medicine)

  • Educator of Physical and Mental Fitness

  • Combining Healthcare Experience and Certifications with Mind Body and Soul Teachings and Techniques

  • Teaching Holistic Healthcare Practices Addressing the Whole Person

Favorite Things

My Story Always Evolving

If anything you’ve seen resonates, there is some part of you that lives in me and there is some part of me that lives in you.

We are all traveling along this beautiful, yet sometimes broken down journey together. We cross paths with people, places, and experiences by no mistake. Each one teaches us a lesson so long as we are willing to look through that lens.

I’ve gone from a promising career I loved to deep betrayal and turmoil altering every area of my life and future - and it was my biggest blessing.

I am far from figuring it all out, but one thing I’ve learned is that my happiness, health and heart are my priority and my responsibility to embrace and protect.

“I am the source, rather than the seeker, of that which I desire.”

- Neale Donald Walsch

The story we tell ourselves, is often not the story that is true.

Your narrative can change.

The pictures in your book can start to have color.

Your heart can get shattered and be put back together stronger than before.

Trust that your story is not over and that you my friend, do not have to write it alone.

My Invitation

It is my deepest desire to be a person who can authentically show up and serve good. I intend to lead by example, live my truth, and give my gifts to the fullest.

I do not have it all together. I will never pretend that I do. More often than not it gives me more satisfaction that I don’t.. that means I have something else to learn, and likely someone else to meet.

What I do hope for is that through my story and my experiences you find comfort that you are not alone and that a brighter day can and will be apart of your story.

Friend, I invite you to be your own warrior. I invite you to seek what it is that your soul is in need of and get curious about what you hear. I invite you to be courageous and comforting to those most vulnerable pieces. I invite you to believe in you… because I sure do.

All my love and happy days to you,

Friday Finds Kahla Maguire Friday Finds Kahla Maguire

Get Quiet

How much power can be found in the seat of silence? What does silence really give us among the all the stimulation in the world? I invite you to get quiet and see for yourself.

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Start your journey back home to you